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I speak, teach and write books to empower and inspire individuals to be successful. All because I have been inspired by others along the way. With the understanding that success is defined differently for all of us we work with schools, organizations ‘and on special projects that empower people with the tools for success.
I have been insipired by so many positive people I have had the opportunity to meet, especially my family and the kids I have taught. I write to share my perspectives, insights and opitions with the hope that I might inform and maybe inspire others. Knowledge is power and I hope that my books empower you.

Youth Entrepreneurial Impact Program (2018)
Available in hard copy and eBook
ISBN- 13: 978-1983526312
The YEIP approach emphasizes learning and applying fundamental academic skills. Including research (reading), plan development (writing), financial analysis (math) and the integration of technology (STEAM). All requiring the application of “critical thinking skills” the critical skill of the 21st-century student and business professional. Standards-based curricula which is task-based and is designed to combine academic and applied learning. This curriculum is aligned with Common Core Standards, National English, Language Arts, Math, and Technology standards (STEM). YEIP™ is focused on eSports (Gaming), Sports, Education, and Technology. more..

Success Stories Insights by African American Men, v2 (2017)
Text / Workbook
ISBN-978-1544207605 (Full interior color)

Success Stories Insights by African American Men
This new book was released in 2016 at the Los Angeles Public Library Author Series" Literacy is Every Thing."Success Stories: Insights by African American Men" is an inspirational collection of stories by 19 African American Men. It also includes researched based information by Reginald Grant, MSEd on Reaching and Teaching African American Children. A cross generational collection of stories from college students to men in retirement, a true glimpse into the journey of African American Men in America.
“African American males want the same things as everyone else, a family, a job a education, the opportunity to live the American dream. “ J. Everett Pearsall , Executive Director of the National Alliance of African American Athletes.
By Amazon Customer on April 25, 2016
"Excellent accounting of their lives, their quests for inclusion and the successes they achieved after reaching their goals."

Success Stories Insights by African American Men - WORKBOOK v 1
5 Stories with Academic Activities
This workbook is designed to be used in the classroom for youth 8 years old and up in alignment with Common Core Standards. It includes 6 of the 19 stories in the original text. The five (5) college students talke about their journey and backgrounds. "Success Stories: Insights by African American Men" is an inspirational collection of stories by 19 African American Men. It is designed to motivade and empower yout while developing critical thinking, story analysis and academic writing skills.
A cross generational collection of stories from college students to men in retirement, a true glimpse into the journey of African American Men in America

Reaching and Teaching
African American Males
ISBN-ISBN-13:978-1533025517, ISBN-10:1533025517
This book uncovers the research, the historical factors and provides some insight and solutions. Mr. Grant provides a clear perspective on African American Language "Ebonics" and "Urban American English TM. " "Urban American English TM " is a term coined by Reginald Grant, MSEd related to the changes in Urban English."African American males want the same things as everyone else, a family, a job a education, the opportunity to live the American dream. " J. Everett Pearsall , Executive Director of the National Alliance of African American Athletes.
“I, nor most African American males don't want any handouts or hand me downs, just the opportunity to compete on a level playing field. But, being an African American male in American is a unique experience.” Reginald Grant, MSEd

A Case for Bilingual Education
A Teacher's View
When I state my position “A Case for Bilingual Education” I do not mean that every student designated as an ESL learner should be in bilingual education. To the contrary, I am making a case for those that are at the lowest rungs of English language acquisition – “those that cannot communicate in English.” Those whose primary language is dominant, those that have little if any English language communication skills. Can other students who have some skills benefit from bilingual education too; the answer is a resounding yes.
Historically, internationally and even in the United States, Primary Language Instruction has been the norm except when political forces have come into play. (Lessow-Hurley 2013, chapter 2, p24) Research has often reinforced the use of the primary language as a foundation which can be build upon and added to with the secondary language.

A Teacher's View. Education in America
Want to understand why America’s educational system is in its current dysfunctional state, read this book. It gives you a clear perspective and the background about the development and evolution of the current educational system in America. The book includes historical context and some real work solutions. Written from an academic perspective it provides insight into how race and class have fostered inequity in the American educational system. The American education system was founded upon the premise of free education for everyone, but it has not effectively evolved to meet the needs of all students. The dynamics of the educational landscaped has changed and the educational systems has not taken advantage of these changes, but has stagnated.
Every prospective and new teacher should be required to read this book as a foundation for university teaching programs. It will serve as the perfect resource for policy makers and parents alike

200 Writing Prompts
Develop "Critical Thinking" and Writing Skills
These prompts, journal topics and discussion topics were accumulated during fourteen years as a classroom teacher of English & ESL. I occasionally used them as full day discussion topics where the students had the opportunity to practice “critical thinking”, writing, presenting and discussion. It allowed the students to vent while developing the hardest of the language acquisition skills “writing.”

Effective Mentoring in the 21st Century
A Tool for Mentoring
Effective Mentoring in the 21st Century is a tool for seasoned and new mentors alike. It was designed to help those interested in mentoring, look at mentoring with open eyes. It can be used as a refresher course for those who have been mentoring or are looking to develop a mentoring program. It is an easy to digest guide and reference source. It evolved from Reginald Grant’s 30 years of mentoring, coaching and teaching.